Wisecracker of the greasers and the

According to ponyboy, the words tuff and tough mean the same thing. He does not like ponyboy because he thinks ponyboy is a tagalong and a kid. The greasers live on the east side, have long hair, hang out at the dingo and jays, do not have alot of money, like elvis, wear jeans and leather, fight cleaner then the socs, and are open about. Socials socs west side rich kids, who throw beer parties, drive mustangs and corvairs. Despite his wisecracking demeanor, twobit has a bigbrotherly sense of protection for his greaser pals, especially ponyboy and johnny. On one hand, it symbolizes how the greasers have a more direct and wellrounded experience than the sacs with the gritty realities of life. How society views greasers by jakari naves on prezi. I really like the whole greasers thing and thw 1960s but i honestly cant find any good books or movies about the whole greaser 1960s.

Twobit mathews was the oldest of the gang and the wisecracker of the bunch. Remote work advice from the largest allremote company. Greaser definition of greaser by the free dictionary. I am just really into that write now for some reason. A scene taken straight from rob lowes new york times bestselling memoir, stories i only tell my friends, a wryly funny and surprisingly moving account of an extraordinary life lived almost entirely in the public eye. Such values included fast cars, motorcycles, rock music, and most importantly greasers wanted to stand out as different rather than submitting themselves to societys idea of. In the movie the outsiders based on the book the outsiders by s.

May 11, 2011 greasy greasers may 11, 2011 leave a comment in mainstream popculture movies, the greaser type of guy is almost always attracted to the square girl or good girl, hardly ever is the main guy attracted to the bad girl type, his friends are attracted to the greaser girl but not the main guy, he needs to stand out from his friends and get the. Bruises and scars last longer than you think chapter 1. He is famous for shoplifting everything he can, including his blackhandled switchblade, which he is also known for. Hinton was 15 when she started writing the novel, butdid most of the work when she was sixteen and a junior in high school. He had gray eyes and a wide grin, and he couldnt stop making funny remarks to save his life. The outsiders final study guide flashcards quizlet.

The greasers envy the socs money and social advantages. Character traits for the outsiders storyboard by 21elenox. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. This guide teaches you how to look like a greaser, made popular in the 50s, or from the movie grease and the book or movie the outsiders. He makes people laugh and has a very fun personality, along with being lazy, often being teased for not.

Static because through all of this he hasnt changed. The original greasers were aligned by a feeling of disillusionment with american popular culture, either through a lack of economic opportunity in spite of the postwar. Who is the wisecracker greaser in the outsiders answers. Ponyboy michael curtis is the narrator and protagonist of the 1967 novel the outsiders, and its 1983 film adaptation. The bangs of their hair are elevated off of the forehead and the hair is slicked back. Twobit matthews 20, wisecracker of the bunch steve randall 17, sodas best friend, works parttime at gas station johnny cade 16, beaten up by socs before beginning of novel, idolizes dally. He sees that twobit is the wisecracker, darry the natural leader, and dally the. East side kids who wear their hair long, wear blue jeans, leather jackets and have gang fights. Asked in to kill a mockingbird, the outsiders who is the cutest greaser in the outsider. Dally winston is more dangerous and experienced than the other greasers. Greaser, oldest of the gang, wisecracker, rustycolored sideburns, gray eyes, wide grin, smarts off cops, always making jokes and laughing. Though only fourteen years old, he understands the way his social group functions and the role each group member plays.

Jan 08, 2010 what are some books with greasers 1960 in it. Ponyboy always happygolucky and grinning and is extraordinarily handsome. The term greasers prior to 1969 referred to italians and was derogatory. The book follows two rival groups, the greasers and the socs who are divided by their socioeconomic. Their rebellious style of leather jackets and tightfitting tshirts were a sharp contrast to the style of professional working men in the 1950s. He has lightbrown, almostred hair and greenishgray eyes, and wears his hair longer than a lot of boys wear theirs, squared off in the back and long at the front and sides. He is the oldest member of the the greaser gang, and the wisecracker of the bunch.

Sep 19, 2011 some people say that the greasers gang is not a gang filled with bad people more like a gang full of people who make bad decisions. For example, the socs also drink alcohol and are wild but they never. Were reading the outsiders in class right now, and my bff cam u. It was not used in this articles sense until 1969, and only then it was an invented history. Pony loves books and movies, but does poorly in school work. Alyssa and emma had a summer affair, but with alyssa returning to edgewater, she had to break things off. The narrator of ithe outsiders, ponyboy is fourteen years old and a greaser. Twobit, whose real name is keith, earned his nickname because you couldnt shut that guy up. Twobit matthews twobit has a great sense of humor, and is positively the joker of the group. The outsiders is about the life of a 14yearold boy. He has spent time in the tough neighborhoods of new york, has a long criminal record, and has just gotten released from jail when the story begins. Darry reprimands ponyboy for going to the movies alone. Greasers like darry, sodapop, and steve repair cars.

Feb 21, 2011 the greaser subculture like many other youth gangs, cliques, and clubs, formed under the hopes of making an inclusive group of young men that all valued common values. In the outsiders, the greasers would be considered the outsiders. Intercultural communication between the colonizers and those being colonized is impacted by. Hintonaccording to wikipedia, the outsiders is a comingofage novel by s. While johnny needs the greasers, the greasers also need johnny, for protecting him gives them a sense of purpose and justifies their violent measures. As was mentioned in the previous post, the greasers and socs share some similarities. His parents were killed in an automobile accident just eight months before the. Ponyboy and his two brothers, darry, who is 20, and soda pop, who is 16 have recently lost their parents in an automobile accident. Some people say that the greasers gang is not a gang filled with bad people more like a gang full of people who make bad decisions. Feb 02, 2010 can anyone tell titles and authors of books about greasers and such. If a virtual private party is more your thing, go here for details. Compare and contrast between the socs and greasers in the outsider essay example for free newyorkessays database with more than 65000 college essays for studying. He is still always wisecracking jokes and is never serious. Oh, and you put some age appropriate books for a twelve year old.

It was formed in a cubic shape that was discovered by bob in 1827. Wisecracker noticed its cubic geometric shape and formalized it in 1831. A list of lyrics, artists and songs that contain the term greaser from the website. One who greases, such as a worker who greases working parts in a machine. Ponyboy curtis, the youngest member of the greasers, narrates the novel. Twobit irresistible wisecracker of the greasers, 18. Greasers from the story poetry by thestorygirl2405 alex with 718 reads. The invention was so popular throughout the 70s and 80s that it has now entered popular culture as if it actually existed. Can anyone tell titles and authors of books about greasers and such.

Hintonaccording to wikipedia, the outsiders is a coming of age novel by s. We call them greasers by gloria anzaldua, concisely represents westward expansion of the united states. The greasers appear in 19651966, the time of the story. The greasers are a gang of poor and lowermiddle class teens and young adults in tulsa, oklahoma.

As ponyboy, his brothers, and the lowerclass gang of greasers battle the socs, the rich kids, hinton touches. The greaser subculture may have emerged in the post world war ii era among the motorcycle clubs and gangs of the late 1940s, though it was certainly established by the 1950s. The toughest, the fight for all selfpreservation hardened him beyond caring. When johnny, little and vulnerable, suffers at the hands of the socs, the greasers feel. He is famous for shoplifting everything he can, including. The greasers, who move mostly on foot, are physically vulnerable in comparison to the sacs. Greasers at the time were probably pretty comfortable because they dressed nothing like this picture above. Hinton is portrays the divide felt by the greasers of society divided from the rest by their socioeconomic status. Only abut greasers and socs and gangs etc, nothing about hippies. Mar 23, 2020 according to wikipedia, greasers are a workingclass youth subculture that originated in the 1950s in the usa. He sees that twobit is the wisecracker, darry the natural leader, and dally the dangerous hood. He is a serious wisecracker, and prizes his trusty black handled. Ponyboy constantly tells us that the greasers get bad breaks bad luck in life. Ponyboy theorizes on the motivations and personalities of his friends and describes events in a slangy, youthful voice.

In the outsiders by hinton, twobit keith mathews, who is part of a greaser gang. What she didnt expect was emma moving to edgewater too. In socs and greasers, lowe tells us what it was like to work on the set of the outsiders, a film that helped launch the careers of many of todays biggest stars, including tom. Play sporcle s virtual live trivia to have fun, connect with people, and get your trivia on. The greaser subculture like many other youth gangs, cliques, and clubs, formed under the hopes of making an inclusive group of young men that all valued common values. The greasers, however, rebelled against conformity. The outsiders how do the greasers compare to gangs. Ponyboy introduces twobit to the reader as a wisecracker, who brightens. Twobit mathews keith, one of the oldest members in the greaser gang, is a wisecracker. Compare and contrast between the socs and greasers in the.

They serve as the main protagonists in the outsiders. Apr 23, 2014 the outsiders is about the life of a 14yearold boy. Create marketing content that resonates with prezi video. What does wisecracker mean in the outsiders answers. Set in a mystical frontier town where seaweedhead greaser runs his eponymous saloon, this freewheeling social satire features, among other things, a vaudeville jesus, a topless indian scout and a. Marlon brando1 in the wild ones2 is a depiction of the 1950s american subculture of greasers3 the subculture of greasers represented antiestablishment youth, whos clothing and language4 showed rebellion. He was about six feet tall, stocky in build, and very proud of his long rustycolored sideburns. Greasers leather jacketed, tough eastside gang, poor. Twobit begins insulting the other socs whilst two unnamed greasers watch and laugh at.

Wisecracker definition of wisecracker by the free dictionary. Alternate universe greasers works archive of our own. It is narrated by a man on the frontlines of a war. Hinton when i stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, i had only two things on my mind. Most of the greasers remind ponyboy of the heroes in novels, but dally is so real. Ponyboy makes a wisecrack and johnny tells him he is becoming more like. Cherry valance, the soc who was bobs girlfriend, acts as a spy for greasers.

Dally, unlike the other greasers, is hardened beyond caring. He cant stop making funny remarks, and he believes that life is one big joke. The wisecracker of the gang was now just having his eyes back to being glued on his favorite tv show while he tried his best to forget about all that he and the rest of the greasers just talked about with the socs and whatnot with the regulars. Ponyboy is a fourteenyear old greaser who lives with his two older brothers, sodapop and darry on the lowerclass east side of tulsa, oklahoma. The novel tells the story of ponyboy curtis and his struggles with right and wrong in a society in which he believes that he is an outsider. Hes the 2nd oldest, behind darry whos 20, and is known for stealing. Ponyboy curtis lives in a world where there are two types of people, the greasers who have no chance and the socials, or socs, who have all the chances. In this poem, the united states government turns a blind eye to the narrator and his mens vilification and violation of local civilians. Join a live hosted trivia game for your favorite pub trivia experience done virtually. One of the most important things for the greasers is loyalty, often the only family.